Certified Institutions
Institutions marked with a flag () indicates there are enforcement actions for that institution. To review enforcement actions, click on the institution, then on the applicable header.
The Private Training Act (PTA) and associated regulations set standards and requirements with which institutions must comply.
When institutions contravene the PTA or regulations, the registrar may use one or more of the following enforcement tools. Each of these tools has progressively more serious implications for institutions:
- Compliance orders (PTA, s.32)
- Administrative penalties (PTA, s.33)
- Suspension of a certificate (PTA, s.36)
- Cancellation of a certificate (PTA, s.37)
Institutions may request a reconsideration of certain decisions of the registrar, including a decision to suspend a certificate and a decision to impose an administrative penalty. Institutions may file an appeal to the commissioner of the registrar’s reconsideration decision and decision to cancel a certificate.
Enforcement Tool | Implications |
Compliance Order |
Administrative Penalty |
Suspension of a Certificate |
Cancellation of a Certificate |